Fred & Ida Osmon Memorial Scholarship

Fund Background: The fund was established in 1984 by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fiedler of Bismarck, ND in loving memory of Mrs. Fiedler’s parents. Fred Osmon who homesteaded in Blue Hill Township in 1906, McLean County, was born in Kongsvinger, Norway in 1877. Ida Osmon was born in 1878 as Ida Mathilda Koppang at Spring Valley, MN and grew up in the Portland-Mayville area, Roseville Township. Fred and Ida were married near Portland in 1909 and raised one daughter, Norma. The Osmons' lived in Ryder for about 20 years. Fred served as a cattle buyer for the Farmers Shipping Association at Ryder in the 1920's. He also was a member of the Ryder Farmers Elevator Board at the time the elevator burned and had to be rebuilt. Fred passed away in 1945 and Ida in 1957.

Eligibility Requirements: The award will be made in the fall of the year to a graduating senior from the Garrison High School. The first preference will be given to a student planning an educational program in agricultural economics at a post secondary institution in North Dakota. Financial need and academic achievement will be considered in the selection.

Applications accepted January 1 - April 1 only. Applications received outside of this window will NOT be accepted.

Return this form to:

Principal of Garrison High School, 51 5th Ave NE, Garrison, ND  58540

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